Offline Files - Slow Link Mode
Am I able to configure "slow link mode" differently for different parts of the same share such that I can have some parts of the share go offline sooner than others? This really is motivated by this question, but I thought it could be treated as a separate question. for example, what I'd like is: Value Name="\\server\%username%\My Documents" Value="Latency=80" (for this particular folder, follow standard practice for offline / slow link mode) but don't let anything else be seen as "part of that"... nothing else on that server is even available offline: Value Name="\\server\*" Value="Latency=500" (or higher... point is to NOT go offline if there is a connection) Problem I'm having here is that when the first link goes into slow link mode (which is desirable for that stuff which is availalbe offline), nothing is available on that server except for the offline files.
November 12th, 2010 9:30am

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