Offline Files Cache location change not working and caching entire parent directory
Setup: Windows 7 X64 Enterprise, no SP1. Problems: 1) Tried the registry change to clear the offline files cache on c:\windows\csc and move it to d:\csc . This doesn't work. Windows simply ignores the reg key "CacheLocation" and post-reboot just recreates c:\windows\csc after I went through the steps to remove it earlier. Syntax used in the reg key for CacheLocation is \??\d:\csc (I tried with and without the folder created manually). 2) Offlines files when instructed to sync a child folder of a parent drive mapping attempts to sync the entire parent folder. This is really annoying because the parent folder has over 1TB in it. \\servername\parent\child is right clicked, I choose "always available offline" and I see it start to sync. In the progress bar I can literally see it pulling data like xls and pst files off of the parent folder. ??? What's puzzling is that others seem to have luck in getting #1 to work so it makes me think I'm screwing up the steps but I've check it and tried it twice now. Any help would be appreciated. Pete
June 15th, 2011 5:29pm

The default location of the Offline Folders cache is %systemroot%\csc. If you need to move this cache to another location on your computer for some reason, follow these steps: 1. Set the following REG_DWORD registry key to a value of 1: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CSC\Parameters\MigrationParamters Doing this ensures that all items in the cache are migrated 2. Run the Windows Easy Transfer wizard. Once the data has been scanned, a Customize link is displayed. Click this link and make sure that Windows Settings is checked for all items displayed in the list. 3. Once you have collected the data, set the following String registry key to specify the new cache location: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CSC\Parameters\CacheLocation For example, to move the cache to a folder named CSCCache on your D: drive, specify the following value: \??\D:\CSCCache 4. Now reboot your computer, run the Easy Transfer wizard again and apply the previously gathered files. Then reboot one more time when prompted by the wizard. Moving the Offline Files Cache in Windows Vista Note: migwiz.exe is in system32 in Win7 942960 How to move the client-side caching (CSC) folder to a new location in Windows Vista 937475 How to change the location of the CSC folder by configuring the CacheLocation registry value in Windows VistaSumesh P - Microsoft Online Community Support
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June 20th, 2011 6:51pm

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