Opening files on homegroup that are already open by another user
Could somebody help me answer these questions??? I am trying to create a simple network between 2 computers. Currently one is Windows 7, and one Vista. I am running into issues sharing files, like both being able to have the same file open at once, so I am thinking I need the Vista computer to run Windows 7. So here is what I know about Windows 7 Homegroups. (correct me if I'm wrong) One computer must be running Windows 7 Home Premium at least, so that I can CREATE a homegroup. The second computer can run Windows 7 Basic and JOIN the homegroup. I can choose which users can access certain files. What I don't know and can't find out, is what happens when a file resides on one computer, and that person has it open. Then the person on the second computer tries to open the same file. Are they alerted to the fact that the other computer has it open already, and it must be opened as read-only? Do the files you want to share have to reside in a certain directory on the Windows 7 computer? Can they reside on either computer, or does it have to be the one running Windows 7 Home Premium?Mike
April 6th, 2011 12:38pm

Some programs might have functionality to alert users when the file is already opened by another process/user/computer. However, some files like documents will open without any alert (except for Security Warning about opening files on network) from any access given computer. If a computer on the network is trying to delete/modify a file that is being accessed or opened in original computer, the error message will be thrown. Homegroup will let you easily share videos, photos, and documents.. but you can also set any directory in your computer to be shared. You can join a homegroup in any edition of Windows 7, but you can only create one in Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, or Enterprise editions. "Everything we do is dictated by motive."
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April 6th, 2011 1:46pm

So basically then it's the same as file sharing, like in Windows Vista, or what I'm already doing? Everyone is telling me that Windows 7 can act like a true network, but it doesn't look that way. So I still have to look at a third computer then to act as a server you think? I was really wanting to do this with 2 computers, and I'm baffled that it's not possible!Mike
April 6th, 2011 1:49pm

Hi, Yes, this function is same as file sharing. But also has a few differences. I do not think you need to build a computer as a server. the computers which is already joined in the Homegroup have the same rights with the others. the Homegroup joined computers can change the password and choose what kind of files to be shared. The following links for your reference. Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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April 8th, 2011 4:20am

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