Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager won't connect properly.
The last few times when I've tried to start Outlook, I get an error message that The Business Contact Manager is not connected ("SQL Service Server is not Running"). I then have to work offline to send/receive e-mail. Apparently the SQL server will not start (the event notice is "SQL Server (MSSMLB12) Service terminated with Service-specific error 3417 (OxD59)." When I sent this effor message to Microsoft, the response is that Windows does not recognize the error. I tried to follow the Outlook Help troubleshooting advice, but apparently my computer is not a domain computer, so I couldn't implement the recommended fix (which involves going to the MSSQL.1\MSSQL file, accessing the Data folder and then clicking on Properties and then the Security tab -- there is no Security tab in my set-up). Rather than pursuing help through MS support for a fee, I'd just like to eliminate the Business Contact Manager function, which I have never used. My question is, can I just uninstall the SQL files without any adverse effect on the funcitonality of Outlook?1 person needs an answerI do too
December 4th, 2009 9:02pm

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