Owner and Displayed Owner attributes in the FIM Portal

Hello all,

I need help populating the Owner and Displayed owner list in the Portal.  Here is my situation:

For DL groups imported from Active Directory we are trying to populate the Owner and Displayed Owner list attributes in the Portal.  For the OwnerList attribute we would like to use the members listed in the DLs msExchCoManagedByLink.  For the Displayed Owner we need to use managedBy.  We are under the constraint that the Portal requires the DisplayedOwner to be a part of the OwnerList; however,  Exchange stores the managedBy and msExchCoManagedByLink as separate ReferenceDN values.  If I attempt add the managedBy person to msExchCoManagedByLink then Exchange will remove it automatically.

What kind of workflow can I use to combine these two attributes from AD and use it to populate the Owner and Displayed Owner list in the Portal for groups?


March 11th, 2014 2:46pm

To do this you can create a new multi-value reference binding (say CoManagedBy) to Group in the FIM Service and synchronise this with AD ... then use a FIM workflow activity to combine these two properties into the Owner binding whenever either of these contributing binding values change (either directly in FIM or via sync).  The xpath expression for the combined values on the target group object would be something like this:

/*[ObjectID = /Group[ObjectID='[//Target/ObjectID]']/DisplayedOwner or ObjectID = /Group[ObjectID='[//Target/ObjectID]']/CoManagedBy]

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March 14th, 2014 9:49am

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