Permissions not saving across Users
So i have a problem that I just have been wracking my brain on. So here it goes. Currently there is a program that my company uses that needs access to the "Special" permissions, allowing Delete and Delete Subfolders and Files (all located in Security->Advanced->Change Permissions->Add). These permissions are being set on the folder C:/Users/Public/Public Desktop, and are affecting Subfolders and Files. The problem is, when I set these options for our user JohnT (from an Admin account, on that machine), they do not show up when JohnT logs on. Even when I log back on to the Admin account, the permissions I just set up moments ago are no longer there. Other users are set up this way, so I know there is a way to do it. He is part of the same security groups as the other users who are set up this way. This permission is set up just for this machine, and should persist through all User who log on to that machine. It only needs to be set this way for this machine. I have tried making these changes as both Local Admin and Domain admin, but they revert once I log off of one of the admin accounts and the user logs onto his own. Windows 7 Machine, Windows 2008 R2 Server
June 29th, 2012 6:59pm

assign the user local admin rights and try adding the permissions logged on as him then remove the local admin rights. Itll be quicker than working out the problem.
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June 30th, 2012 11:50am

Hi, You may test the issue by using another account from local Administrator group of that machine. In addition, please check if there is any error message in Event Viewer.Kim Zhou TechNet Community Support
July 3rd, 2012 5:23am

Hi, You may test the issue by using another account from local Administrator group of that machine. In addition, please check if there is any error message in Event Viewer.Kim Zhou TechNet Community Support
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July 4th, 2012 5:33am

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