Please help me. How can i unlock my administrator folder while accessing it form another hard drive.?
Please help me. How can i unlock my administrator folder while accessing it form another hard drive.?Please help me....i am using windows xp svc pack 3. some how it is corrupted now and all my important data is in my documents folder and on my desktop. I have secured my account with a password. i tried to repair my widows through recovery console but i was unable to log in to my windows through this procedure the computer just stuck's there. even when i tried to repair it through the windows setup, the setup also stuck's at the step where it says "searching for the previous versions of windows."now i tried to copy the data by accessing it from another operating system on another hard disk but when i open my administrator folder located in documents and settings folder, it says access is denied. i really need that data on in those folders it is very important to me.1 person needs an answerI do too
January 22nd, 2011 1:09pm

if you have an administrator password in windows, then the recovery console would need it in order to log you into the disk system, i.e. the c prompt. if you tried to do a repair with your cd, then it may not have worked if your cd is sp2 version and windows on your computer was updated to the sp3 version. in order for the xp sp2 cd to work you would need to uninstall the sp3 update via add/remove programs. so, now that you have slaved the hard drive on a different computer, what you might need to do is to try to take ownership of the files/folders: -- db`...><)))> ."honeymtrk" wrote in message news:d1c5394d-1aad-4f12-bd12-bc4b485bc596...Please help me. How can i unlock my administrator folder while accessing it form another hard drive.?Please help me....i am using windows xp svc pack 3. some how it is corrupted now and all my important data is in my documents folder and on my desktop. I have secured my account with a password. i tried to repair my widows through recovery console but i was unable to log in to my windows through this procedure the computer just stuck's there. even when i tried to repair it through the windows setup, the setup also stuck's at the step where it says "searching for the previous versions of windows."now i tried to copy the data by accessing it from another operating system on another hard disk but when i open my administrator folder located in documents and settings folder, it says access is denied. i really need that data on in those folders it is very important to me.db`...>-)))> `...>-)))> share the nirvana mann
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January 22nd, 2011 3:41pm

No need to panic. The solution is simple. When mounting your disk in another machine, you will have to "take ownership" of the files with the new machine's user with administrator privilege. The procedure for doing this is in this Microsoft KB article:"How to take ownership of a file or a folder in Windows XP" < >Should this not work for whatever reason, you can also put the disk back in your old machine and boot your old machine from a free Live Linux CD such asKnoppix or Ubuntu . (If using Ububtu, do not install -- instead select the "Try me" option). The Linux OS does not have as much difficulty with permissions as Windows and will allow you to back up to USB drive or Network drive.HTH, JW
January 22nd, 2011 4:54pm

oohhhh thankyou so much sir this procedure worked for me to get my data back i'll be very thankfull to just saved me from lots of crises.
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January 23rd, 2011 7:13pm

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