Policy Client service failed the logon. Access is denied on admin account
Hi, I have studied the solutions to this issue, but none appear to apply when the admin account is inaccessible. My regular user account works OK. All solutions I have seen require admin access... Please help!
April 26th, 2013 6:16pm

Some more data is needed. Namely abouit the configuration and history (is this new or old installation a new phenomenon after change of update, configuration or installation of new software)? Nearly every service has dependences. Try to trace dependences. Rgds Milos
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April 26th, 2013 7:04pm

Hi, I also think some troubleshooting on the issue need administrator account. If the computer is in domain, please contact domain administrator for help. Please refer to the following post: How to fix "The Group Policy Client service failed the logon. Access denied." error? http://blogs.msdn.com/b/moiqubal/archive/2012/03/04/how-to-fix-quot-the-group-policy-client-service-failed-the-logon-access-denied-quot-error.aspx Thanks. Nicholas Li TechNet Community Support
April 30th, 2013 11:20am

Thanks both. I tried a system restore, I could log in as admin but it didn't fix the problem. Ther was only 1 restore point logged, which was dated this morning, after the problem started. Working in safe mode didn't help either. I discovered this problem when I recently change my owner account to standard, and then found a few days later that the admin account was blocked. I also tried the 'net user administrator /active:yes' but that resulted in a system error 5. Then per I tried to edit the registry per [answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_install/system-error-5-has-occurred-access-is-denied/77a124e3-7aea-4dab-a9cc-805c363aa9b9] but got error 'cannot write to registry'. Windows 7, build 7601, Sp1.
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April 30th, 2013 6:13pm

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