Possible FEP interference with Internet Explorer functionality?

We're running Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010.  We're also running some fairly conventional Dot Net web apps containing links to download PDF files.  We've recently discovered that these links do not function in IE10 (Only IE10.  Chrome and Firefox work perfectly).  And yes, we've tried compatibility mode.

My question is this: Are there settings in FEP 2010 that could affect IE10 in this manner?  I am personally unable to explore our settings at this time due to user restrictions but any suggestions I could pass on to tech support would be welcome.

January 24th, 2014 9:15am


As far as I know, Forefront Endpoint Protection has no setting in this manner. Would you please let us know details about the Not Function.

I suspect that the issue relates to IE 10. If so, it is recommended to post the issue in Internet Explorer forum for help.



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January 29th, 2014 3:05am

On further reading it does appear that IE10 has major problems downloading files unrelated to anti-virus software.  

The only reason I queried here was because much of the troubleshooting advise online suggested disabling anti-virus software as a test. 


January 30th, 2014 8:52am

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