Possible to get a Remote Desktop Connection to a 2nd OS (Vista) installed on the same PC?
Hi, I've currently got a 160 GB HDD with 2 partitions, Vista installed on one, Windows 7 RC1 installed on the other - is it possible from my Windows 7 installation to set up a remote desktop connection to my Vista installation on the second partition and effectively have both OSs running simultaneously?I know it's possible with Virtual PC, but that would require reinstalling Vista in the Virtual PC - really Iwant to avoid having to shut down each time I want to switch to my previous Vista installation.Thanks, Jonny
May 6th, 2009 3:09am

No, that is not possible. The Vista installation is not running at the same time as the Win 7 installation, so there is nothing to connect to. To do what you want you would have to install Vista in VPC.For me, the more I use 7 the less I am booting Vista. I am slowly gettingthe necessities installed in 7, but not EVERYTHING. I'll have to do another OS install once the final is released, and I don't feel like re-installing everything a 2nd time!
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May 6th, 2009 3:20am

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