Power consumption in Connected Standby Mode too high with no obvious cause even in airplane mode

My Windows 8.1 tablet is draining at a rate of about 3% per hour or 833mW drain while in connected standby mode.

I have muted the sound and set the system to airplane mode, but still receive 3% drain per hour.

The PEP PRE-VETO rate and COUNT are 0. The DRIPS Histopgram has 100% at 32s. The top 5 offenders are all green with 0% active time.

The only value I am unsure about is IR TRUNCATE PERCENTAGE which on Microsoft's examples is always 0, but on my device it is 91% or higher. What does this mean?

Also is there anyway to find out why even though the sleepstudy looks fine I am getting such a high battery drain even with everything off in airplane mode?

February 26th, 2015 9:20am

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