Prevent application from restarting Windows
I have an application that when run, restarts the computer immediately after it finishes. I would like to prevent this application from being able to restart the computer, leaving me able to restart the computer when I desire to. I am running Windows 7 x64 Home Premium, with the group policy editor installed. The application is a BIOS update program. What it does is it places the BIOS.rom image on the computer (I do not know if it is a temp file or stored in memory only), somehow signals the BIOS to enter a management mode on the next boot, then immediately restarts the computer to flash it. What I would like to do is to prevent the restart so that I can locate and alter the contents of the flash image (I am not actually modding the BIOS, just the ME firmware), then restart the system to flash the altered image. I already have the image I want to flash on instead, I just need the means to flash it. Specifics: When run, the exec causes a UAC popup for allowing the application to make changes to the computer. Upon finishing, it appears to to use the forced shutdown mode (ex. shutdown -r -f) since I have tried to block the shutdown with applications multiple times, but it shuts down immediately as if I had nothing running. I used the group policy editor to disable running command scripts, but it did not help. I used the task manager to kill the process less than a second before it finished executing, but I could not find a BIOS image present on the system (I did not test to see if management mode was entered on restart). I tried putting the program in a .bat with "shutdown -a" on the next line, but the command window would say that there was no restart to abort, so there is no delay on the restart. I tried to rename shutdown.exe so that it could not be called, with the idea being that I could rename it back or run the modified name myself when I did want to restart. I found the .exe in syswow64, but even as admin, I couldn't do anything to it. So then I went into an NTFS enabled DOS to rename it. Shutdown.exe, along with many other system files, were then missing from the syswow64 folder. I went back to windows, and shutdown.exe was missing there too, but the system was fully capable of restarting despite the .exe no longer being listed. I did a search and found shutdown.exe located in C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-shutdown-event-tracker_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_5ec90957e1a8fe95. Again, it was not editable even as admin. The version located there is slightly larger than the version I found in syswow64 earlier. Trying to find that folder in DOS would be an absolute nightmare with how many "amd64_microsoft_windows..." folders there are, or would "rename C:\Windows\winsxs\*\shutdown.exe shutdowne.exe" work in DOS? I feel like it's the wrong file anyway so I haven't tried. There are also 4 smaller "shutdown.exe.mui" files located elsewhere in the windows folder. I really don't know the significance of any of these files. This is very frustrating because I feel like simply preventing a restart should not be this difficult. Do you have any ideas on what I can try? I'll even throw on XP to do this if necessary if it cannot be done in 7. The BIOS exec cannot be run in DOS or linux.
June 25th, 2012 8:56pm

Nevermind. I found a workaround.
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June 27th, 2012 6:21pm

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