Print Spooler will not run
I have a PC running Windows 7 Professional 32 bit that the print spooler will not run. Tried the following: Rebuilt the profile In cmd prompt type sc config spooler depend= RPCSS Then restarted the spooler. - This will allow the spooler to run for 30 - 60 secs before it stops again. When to system32\spooler\printers and deleted any files and did the same for and registry keys for the printer drivers. Ran a sfc scan - came back clean So far nothing has worked, there are 2 errors in the the Event Log Application Log: Faulting application name: spoolsv.exe, version: 6.1.7601.17514, time stamp: 0x4ce7aa85 Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17514, time stamp: 0x4ce7b96e Exception code: 0xc0000374 Fault offset: 0x000c37b7 Faulting process id: 0x204 Faulting application start time: 0x01cc208664177a8c Faulting application path: C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll Report Id: b00a200c-8c79-11e0-ae43-bc305bcf9a7d System Log: Log Name: System Source: Service Control Manager Date: 6/1/2011 2:05:12 PM Event ID: 7034 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Description: The Print Spooler service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 6 time(s). Any ideas?
June 1st, 2011 3:12pm

Hi, From you description, I understand that spooler service crashes on your Window7 computer. Error code: 0xc0000374 is STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION, that means memory access violated. To narrow down the root cause of this issue, I would like confirm the folloing with you: 1. Was any third party program or driver update installed before this issue occurs? (Such as a virtual/physical printer) 2. Please remove the newly added printer and uninstall the relevant driver from the machine if possible. 3. Please upgrade the drivers for old printer. For more information, please refer: Hope that helpsPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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June 4th, 2011 1:35am

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