Hi There, Our computer gets used by the whole familly and it concerns me that during internet browsing, images, deleted files, history etc remain on the machine even if not visable. I don't want the machine to have any objectionable material on it. I don't particulary want to know what it is but I just don't want it there. Is there anything that I can do about this please? Thanks
September 23rd, 2009 6:35pm

So I gather you're really looking to cover your tracks. I suppose one of the secure shredder programs could work. I think Acronis Disk Director has a component that does that. Since I've never been concerned about this while a computer was in use, I can't suggest a particular program. I routinely wipe hard drives for my clients when they are retiring that drive or computer, but that's obviously not what you want to do. If you're more concerned about information being stolen, you could always encrypt things. TrueCrypt is free and very good. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Another community answer from the Windows XP newsgroups
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September 23rd, 2009 9:10pm

Open Internet Options from the control Start-->Control Panel-->Internet Options-->Advanced tab. Scroll down to the "Security" header. Check the box labeled "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed". Remember to click the "Apply" button at the bottom of the Internet Properties window, then click "OK". This setting will cause the removal of those temporary Internet files each time the browser is closed. Next, click start-->Run...and type or copy and paste the following in the Run box then press ENTER: cleanmgr /sageset:1 What you're doing here is setting up a cleaning profile for Disk Cleanup to use later on. When you type the above, a dialog box will appear with a list of junk file types that you can select for removal. You'll notice, you have more options to choose from here than you would if you were to just open up your cleanmgr from the "All Programs-->Accessories-->Tools" menu. Select which options you want to clean up by putting a check mark in each one but Do not put a check in the box for "Compress old files" . - Click OK after making your choices. Now, copy the text in the code box below to another blank Notepad and save it to your Desktop as CleanUpandDefrag.bat : Code: @echo off cleanmgr /sageset:1 cleanmgr /sagerun:1 defrag c: @exit Now, double click on the .bat file on your Desktop and click "OK". When the clean up and defrag complete, reboot your computer. You can save that .bat file and double click on it about once a week to run your automated clean up and defrag with one click so-to-speak. ***Note*** The above system command for running a disk cleanup and defrag can be modified if you wish. Instead of running the defragmenter each time you cleanup, you can remove"defrag c:" from the .bat file so that your saved notepad file would look like this: Code: @echo off cleanmgr /sageset:1 cleanmgr /sagerun:1 @exit ...However, I would recommend leaving it in order to ensure you have a smooth running system with each cleanup. Folks forget about running their maintenance on the home computer quite often but it is an important function that should be performed religiously in my opinion. Once a week should be fine though. ...and one last note, if there is more than one user profile, the above setup should be performed on each one.
September 24th, 2009 5:46pm

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