Problem resolving DNS server issue on Win7 ENT 64 platform.
My work computer was reimaged from XP to WIN7 recently. Previously i had no issues on my network at home with this computer but now that it has WIN7 i cannot access All other devices running vista or XP or cellphones, etc access it fine, and the WIN7 computer will access other wireless networks not at my house but at home i now only have local access, there is a question mark over the router and no internet connection. and when i have that computer on trying to troubleshoot all my other devices get the same error until i turn it off and then they start working fine again. Yes, i have flushed the dns in ipconfig, yes all setting are set to automatically obtain, renew ip addresses, settings match those of all my other computers which is leading me to believe maybe there is something with the router possibly taht i need to update? i am using a Netgear Router WNR2000v3, and am kind of lost at this point. i know lots of people have discussed this and i've read many threads but none of the suggestions i have come across yet have helped me. throwing this question out there to see if anyone might know how to resolve.. crossing fingers now :)
April 29th, 2012 10:54am

1. For sure, you mean the lack of real access to Internet or the red cross on Internet connection? If the latter is the case, here is how it works (from NCSI performs a DNS lookup on, then requests This file is a plain-text file and contains only the text Microsoft NCSI. NCSI sends a DNS lookup request for This DNS address should resolve to If the address does not match, then it is assumed that the internet connection is not functioning correctly. 2. What is the response from nslookup when you enter ? 3. What is the listing from ipconfig /all ? 4. I recommend you to contact Netgear support/forum for help 5. For detailed analysis of network traffic use network monitor (either from Microsoft or Wireshark) Regards Milos
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April 30th, 2012 3:24am

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