Problem setting up simple folder sharing
I'm trying to do something very simple but that is starting to drive me crazy. I have two computers, one work laptop and one home media pc, both computers have vista on them however the work computer is set up to run on the work domain etc. I have a shared folder on the media pc that I want to access from the work computer. Previously I simply shared that folder, and when I tried to connect to the computer from my work pc it prompted me of my login and password, I entered the login info that I use for the media pc and from there on I could access it.Now for the interesting part. Every once in a while I would get an error message saying something on the lines of " \\MEDIAPC is not accessible. You might not have permission talk to administrator" etc, it would usually go away with a reboot of one or the other of the machines. Also copying files this way turned out to be incredibly slow. Recently I removed an account from the media pc while I was cleaning it up, turns out it was the account that I had used to log on to it from my work PC. Now whenever I try to access it I get the following error message:"\\MEDIAPC is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.The user name could not be found."Fair enough, but I can't find an option anywhere to specify what user name to use to log on to the machine. How do I get this working again?
March 24th, 2008 12:09am

Hi Parnassus, You can add a user account with the same username and password as the one that has been used to logon the work PC on the home PC. For example, you logon the work PC with the domain account A, password 1. Then, you can create a new account with the same username A and password 1 on the home PC, and grand appropriate permission to this account. For more information about file sharing in Windows Vista, please visit the following website: Hope it helps.
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March 25th, 2008 12:13pm

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