Problem with VPN and UMTS modem: Error 633 modem already in use


I have used Windows 8 for weeks now. Last week all my VPN connections and UMTS modems suddenly stopped working. Before they were working perfectly. Whenever I try to connect to our company's SSTP VPN I get an error 633 "The modem (or other connecting device) is already in use". I get the same error when trying to connect to the internet with my UMTS stick. Both connections (VPN and UMTS stick) work fine on other computers.

This is what I already did:

  1. Restarted the PC (of course) - did not help.
  2. Recreate the VPN connection from scratch - did not help, same error.
  3. Looked into device manager (with and without devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices) - no errors shown there.
  4. Created a RAS log (see relevant pieces below) - I did not find the root cause of my problem there.

Anyone having an idea how I could analyze the problem any further?


Here is the RAS log:


[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:658: RasDialW
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:658: IsRasmanServiceRunning=1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:658: _RasDial(start)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:658: GetPbkAndEntryName
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:658: ReadPhonebookFileEx: called for pbk C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk, flags 8
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:658: IsPublicPhonebook=1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:658: path=C
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:658: full path=C
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:658:  IsVirtualizationNeeded: return value = 1

[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:658: GetLUAPhonebookPath: Return value 0 hiddenpbk path C:\Users\r.stropek\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\_hiddenPbk\rasphone.pbk

[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:658: ReadRasFile: ReadEntryList returned 0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: SyncMasterPhonebookFile:++
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: IsPublicPhonebook=1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: path=C
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: full path=C
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: ENTRY: Reading "3G Connection"
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: 
Before LoadPortsList2 in ReadEntryList()
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: LoadPortsList2
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: GetRasPorts
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: RasPortEnum...
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: RasPortEnum=603,c=11
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: RasPortEnum...
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: RasPortEnum=0,c=11
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:659: RasGetDevConfig
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:660: RasGetDevConfig=-2147483568
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:660: Port=COM3,fHw=0,fEc=0,bps=9600,fSp=1,prot=0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:660: StringCchCopy failed due to error 0x8007007a
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:660: RasGetDevConfig
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:660: RasGetDevConfig=-2147483568
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:660: Port=COM8,fHw=0,fEc=0,bps=9600,fSp=1,prot=0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:660: StringCchCopy failed due to error 0x8007007a
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: LoadPortsList=0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: successfully finished LoadPortsList2 in ReadEntryList()

[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Reading media group "serial"
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: New link format
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: 
DUPTEST:Port in this media
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Port=C
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: 
Trying to match the phonebook port in the system ports
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Port configured
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: SetDefaultModemSettings(bps=9600)=1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Reading device group "modem"
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Device List after deleting dupe
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: StringCchCopy failed due to error 0x8007007a
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Device List after deleting dupe
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: ENTRY: Reading "My 3DataManager"
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Reading media group "serial"
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: New link format
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: 
DUPTEST:Port in this media
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Port=C
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: 
Trying to match the phonebook port in the system ports
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Port configured
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: SetDefaultModemSettings(bps=9600)=1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Reading device group "modem"
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Device List after deleting dupe
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: StringCchCopy failed due to error 0x8007007a
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: Device List after deleting dupe
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: ReadRasFile: ReadEntryList returned 0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: DeleteEntriesOnlyInHiddenPhonebookFile ++
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: WritePhonebookFile
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: ModifyEntryList: Number of connections written 0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: RASSQM: In WritePhonebookFile Number of alluser profiles set 0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: DeleteEntriesOnlyInHiddenPhonebookFile : WritePhonebookFile failed with 0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: RASSQM: In ReadPhonebookFile Number of alluser profiles set 2
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: ReadPhonebookFile returns 0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: GetPbkAndEntryName. rc=0x0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:661: looking up subentry 1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:663: IsPublicPhonebook=1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:663: RasCreateConnection...
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:663: RasCreateConnection(0) hrasconn=2097152, ConnectionAlreadyPresent=0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:663: dwIdleDisconnectSeconds=-1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:663: SaveProjectionResults...
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:663: SaveProjectionResults: saving results (dwSubEntry=0)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:663: SaveProjectionResults(0)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:663: GetInstalledProtocolsEx=0xc. 
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:663: StartAsyncMachine
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:663: InsertAsyncWorkItem: Calling RasEventLogInitialize
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:663: InitializeContextQueue: Invalid input parameter
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:664: starting subentry 1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:664: SignalDone: pOverlapped=0x79098010
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:664: AppendNewContextToQueue:
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:664: AppendNewContextToQueue:Set Event:
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:664: RasDialW done(0)
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:664: WaitForDialMachineEvent
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:664: WaitForDialMachineEvent: event from dial machine
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:664: GetOneContextFromQueue
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:664: GetOneContextFromQueue: The context is:0x0000001879098010,type=2
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:664: GetOneContextFromQueue: Number of Messages left in the queue is:0
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:664: ValidateDmContext:
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:664: ValidateDmContext: hrasconn block verification passed
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:664: WaitForDialMachineEvent: pOverlapped=0x79098010, type=2
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:664: WaitForDialMachineEvent: Unblock i=1, h=0x79097f70
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:664: NotifyCaller(nt=0x2,su=1,s=0,e=0,xe=0)...
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:665: NotifyCaller done (dwNotifyResult=1)
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:665: GetLogonUser=r
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:665: GetLogonDomain=S
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:665: RASCS_OpenPort
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:665: DwOpenPort
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:665: DwOpenPort: RasPortOpenEx(HDA CX11270 Soft Modem,0)...
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: DwOpenPort: RasPortOpenEx done(259). Flags=0x2
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: DwOpenPort done. 633 (dwSavedError 0)
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: RasDialMachine errors=633,0
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: RasDialMachine: SignalDone: prasconncb=0x79097f60
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: SignalDone: pOverlapped=0x79098010
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: AppendNewContextToQueue:
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: AppendNewContextToQueue:Set Event:
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: WaitForDialMachineEvent
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: WaitForDialMachineEvent: event from dial machine
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: GetOneContextFromQueue
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: GetOneContextFromQueue: The context is:0x0000001879098010,type=2
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: GetOneContextFromQueue: Number of Messages left in the queue is:0
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: ValidateDmContext:
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: ValidateDmContext: hrasconn block verification passed
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: WaitForDialMachineEvent: pOverlapped=0x79098010, type=2
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: WaitForDialMachineEvent: Unblock i=1, h=0x79097f70
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: RasDialTryNextLink...
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: RasDialTryNextLink: No more links
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: RasDialTryNextLink done(0)
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: NotifyCaller(nt=0x2,su=1,s=0,e=633,xe=0)...
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:666: RasHangUpW
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: NotifyCaller done (dwNotifyResult=0)
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: Discontinuing callbacks for hrasconn 0x200000
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: Cleared notifier for hrasconn 0x200000 subentry 1
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: Quitting s=0,e=633
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: GetLogonUser=r
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: GetLogonDomain=S
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:666: IsRasmanServiceRunning=1
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: Asyncmachine: Cleaning up
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: RasDialCleanup...
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: CleanUpRasconncbNode
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: StopAsyncMachine
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: (CU) RasProtocolStop...
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:666: IsRasmanServiceRunning=1
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: (CU) RasProtocolStop done
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: DeleteRasconncbNodeCommon: prasconncb=0x79097f60
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: CloseAsyncMachine
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:666: RemoveAsyncWorkItem: Calling RasEventLogUninitialize
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: FinalCleanUpRasconncbNode: deallocating prasconncb=0x79097f60
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: FinalCleanUpRasconncbNode: 0 nodes remaining
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: ShutdownAsyncMachine: pOverlapped=0x8c49b3e0
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: AppendNewContextToQueue:
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: AppendNewContextToQueue:Set Event:
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: ShutdownAsyncMachine: PostcontextToDialMachine() succeeds!
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: CleanUpRasconncbNode done
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: RasDialCleanUp done.
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: WaitForDialMachineEvent
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:667: (HU) RasFindPrerequisiteEntry, 0x200000
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: WaitForDialMachineEvent: event from dial machine
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: GetOneContextFromQueue
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: GetOneContextFromQueue: The context is:0x000007FC8C49B3E0,type=5
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: GetOneContextFromQueue: Number of Messages left in the queue is:0
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: WaitForDialMachineEvent: pOverlapped=0x8c49b3e0, type=5
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: WaitForDialMachineEvent: OVTEVT_DIAL_SHUTDOWN event received
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: WaitForDialMachineEvent: Unblock i=1, h=0x79097f70
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:667: (HU) RasFindPrerequisiteEntry, 0x200000. hConnPrereq=0x0, rc=0
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: AsyncMachineWorker:WaitForDialMachineEvent failure:0x3eb
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:667: AsyncMachineWorker terminating
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:667: (HUC) RasRefConnection(FALSE), 0x200000 ...
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:668: (HUC) RasRefConnection(FALSE), 0x200000. ref=0, rc=0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:668: (HU) RasDestroyConnection(2097152)...
[2964] 11-12 08:21:28:668: (HU) RasDestroyConnection done(668)
[5092] 11-12 08:21:28:668: CleanUpContextQueue:


[2964] 11-12 08:21:25:625: SetUserPreferences(m=0)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:25:626: WriteUserPreferences
[2964] 11-12 08:21:25:626: WriteUserPreferences=0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:25:626: SetUserPreferences=0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:25:626: SetUserPreferences(m=1)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:25:629: UpTerm
[2964] 11-12 08:21:25:629: UnLoadDiagnosticDll
[2964] 11-12 08:21:25:630: Context freed
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:886: DeCommand(n=0,i=1,c=$807c2)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:886: Current proces:(0x2932), Current Thread:(0x2964)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:886: Redial pressed
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:888: DeTerm
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:888: UnLoadDiagnosticDll
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:890: User redials
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:890:  Post(DIAL)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:890: DpError settings error (0x78f9f83c) to 633
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:891: DpDial,fPauseRestart=0
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:891: DpDial:Init global actives
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:891: CallActive is:1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:891: GlobalActive Calls are:1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:891: RasDial(h=$00000000)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:899: RasDial=0,h=$001f0000
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:899: /DpRasDialFunc2(rcs=0,s=1,e=0,x=0)
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:899: Send RasEvent to Dial Progress window, subEntry:(1)
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:899: Get dwError=(0) from RasMan
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:899: DpRasDialFunc2:Process:(c8101410),Thread(c8101250)
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:899: DpRasDialFunc2:pInfo address (0x79045f10), Dialog Handle (0x1d11a6)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:900: DpEvent
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:900: Current proces:(0x2932), Current Thread:(0x2964)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:900: State is:(0)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:900: s=0,f=0,t=1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:900: DpEvent:State:'Opening port...'
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:900: DpEvent:returned dwCode:(1)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:900: End of DpEvent
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:900: dwCode returned:(1)
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:900: CallActive is:1
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:900: Current thread's active:(1)
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:900: Current Thread does NOT want to terminate itself,its fterminateASAP=0!
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:900: GlobalActive Calls are:1
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:900: Global active:(1)
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:900: CallActive is:1
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:900: Current thread's active:(1)
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:900: \DpRasDialFunc2:final dwCode returned=1
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:902: /DpRasDialFunc2(rcs=0,s=1,e=633,x=0)
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:902: Send RasEvent to Dial Progress window, subEntry:(1)
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:902: Get dwError=(633) from RasMan
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:902: DpRasDialFunc2:Process:(c8101410),Thread(c8101250)
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:902: DpRasDialFunc2:pInfo address (0x79045f10), Dialog Handle (0x1d11a6)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:902: DpEvent
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:902: Current proces:(0x2932), Current Thread:(0x2964)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:902: State is:(0)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:902: s=0,f=1,t=1
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:902: Post(ERROR)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:902: DpError
[9444] 11-12 08:21:26:902: dwCode returned:(0)
[2964] 11-12 08:21:26:902: DpError:RasHangUp

November 12th, 2012 7:45am

Problem solved. I uninstalled all UMTS dial in software, rebooted the computer and now it works again.

No idea what led to this. I did not install anything related to dial in software since I have installed Windows 8 on this machine.


Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 12th, 2012 7:53am


Can you post a normal log file please, so i can see the difference?

I am trying to find out what these logs contain, the rasapi32 and rasmancs.

September 11th, 2015 12:20pm


Can you post a normal log file please, so i can see the difference?

I am trying to find out what these logs contain, the rasapi32 and rasmancs.

  • Edited by AndreiWowi Friday, September 11, 2015 4:19 PM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 11th, 2015 4:18pm

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