Problem with long path names?
I tried to unpack the PHP eclipse package to a folder named like the ZIP package (pdt-2.0.0GA_debugger-5.2.15.v20081217-all-in-one-win32). WinRAR stopped with an error message (something like "file name to long"). I was unable to delete the folder until I shortened the directory name. Extracting worked only with a short path name.Did anybody experience something like this? Windows 7 x64 - Gigabyte EP-45-DS3 (Intel P45 chip set), 4GB RAM, ATI 4670
January 28th, 2009 1:18am

have you tried extracting it using the built in compressed folder option? Just curious as to whether it is an application compatibility issue or not.
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January 28th, 2009 9:43am

Was the extraction target at the bottom of a deep folder structure? There is an overall limit on the length of a filename in NTFS (I ran up against it a few years ago). I'm not sure if this has increased in Windows 7 but I think it used to be just 255 characters. - MarkMark Wilson (MVP Virtual Machine) -
January 28th, 2009 4:57pm

Thnaks for your reply.The starting folder was 3 level deep. Together with the rather long name of the package folder I got a root directory with about 80 characters. If there's a limit in NTFS (I never heard of it or run into troubles with it) this could be the problem. Eclipse itself is using rather long path names in some sub folders. I will do a search to find out about this NTFS limit. Windows 7 x64 - Gigabyte EP-45-DS3 (Intel P45 chip set), 4GB RAM, ATI 4670
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January 28th, 2009 6:46pm

The root cause for this appears to be a variable known asMAX_PATHandthe programs that use it. So for NTFS, the specifications allow for path lengths of up to32767. The issue then arises as a result of applications and how they are written and interact. Thereis a very good KBarticle,320081, that goes through a number of scenarios dealing with long file names and paths that might be worth a look for reference for you.
January 28th, 2009 7:48pm

Thanks for that Gordon :-)Mark Wilson (MVP Virtual Machine) -
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January 29th, 2009 1:32am

Thanks for your helpful response. But I'm wondering why Win Explorer is using max_path? In my opinion native system tools should use the whole bunch of features, not just a subset. Windows 7 x64 - Gigabyte EP-45-DS3 (Intel P45 chip set), 4GB RAM, ATI 4670
January 29th, 2009 1:46am

Were you able to try the extraction using explorer and the compressed folder option? From your original post, it sounded like winrar was generating the error. The reason I ask is that one of my primary uses for winrar is to open ISO files and extract the contents. I also use winzip and i noticed that the latest version also supported this functionality, but when I tried to extract the contents of a win7 iso i got an error regarding path length with winzip, but not with winrar, so it would be interesting to see if the inbuilt zip extraction tool also suffers with this issue?
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January 29th, 2009 1:51am

I never used the compressed folder option nor I'm sure I really understand what this feature is.I can browse "into" an archive, open it like a folder (is this the "compressed folder" feature?). I extracted the sub folder via drag and drop. The extraction was very slow, but it finished. When I tried to delete the folder, there was an error message stating that the content could not be saved to the trash because of long file names. I repeated the test and initially created that awful long path which WinRAR was using (pdt-2.0.0GA_debugger-5.2.15.v20081217-all-in-one-win32) and extracted the archives content into that folder. This time extraction stopped with error message "0x80010135: path too long".All if seen so far seems to indicate that there's a max_path problem with Explorer (only x64 version?) and system parts based on it (like wastebasket), not only a problem with WinRAR. Windows 7 x64 - Gigabyte EP-45-DS3 (Intel P45 chip set), 4GB RAM, ATI 4670
January 29th, 2009 7:29pm

I just tried this on a 32bit build and was successful with a shorter TLD (d:\downloads) but got the same error when i created a much longer one, so I'll see if we can get this escalated. Thanks for your time with this.
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January 29th, 2009 9:01pm

I tried to unpack the PHP eclipse package to a folder named like the ZIP package (pdt-2.0.0GA_debugger-5.2.15.v20081217-all-in-one-win32). WinRAR stopped with an error message (something like "file name to long"). I was unable to delete the folder until I shortened the directory name. Extracting worked only with a short path name. Did anybody experience something like this? Windows 7 x64 - Gigabyte EP-45-DS3 (Intel P45 chip set), 4GB RAM, ATI 4670 try
December 16th, 2010 8:32am

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December 28th, 2010 4:39am

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