Problem with network in Windows 7. Error 619.
The first problem I encountered when I test Windows 7 - PPPOE error when connecting to the internet. I decide it with replacingraspppoe.sysfile on the same of Windows Vista. Then a new problem connecting: Error 619. I tried to change the encryption settings - did not help. Turn off Windows FireWall not solved the problem. When diagnosing problem was identified the inability to connect to primary DNS, while at the same machine but under Windows Vista no problems with the network. Drivers for network card are the most recent. Prompt please how to solve my problem. And sorry for my English.
March 6th, 2009 5:54pm

Hi, Please understand that replacing Windows 7 system file from Windows Vista is not recommended. I suggest you restore the file to previous version to re-produce the issue and let me know the detail error message. Then, I will troubleshoot the problem with you. You also can get original version from the following folder: C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-rasbase-raspppoe_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7000.0_none_c69d6a4cd68f6df4 Hope it helps.
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March 9th, 2009 12:43pm

i have the same problem.. when i try to connect to the internet.. i use the new connection wizard>Broadband PPPoE i write the username password and ISP name and when i press [connect] it give me a blue screen error that says as i remember..: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and at the bottom it says it has something to do with the file "raspppoe.sys" that i found in Windows/System32/drivers i tried to replace the file with the one from windows vista but got the same 619 error that he gotthis wouldnt be a problem if i had a router, but since i dont have one i can't connect directly to the internet.. so if you have an answer to this problem i would be very happy to hear from you :)
March 30th, 2009 11:16pm

Same problem here with the blue screen when using dialing PPPoE connection, and the new bonus is that i have weird problems with my onboard network cards who can`t connect or when i connect the PPPoE i have wery big packet loss, when i use some old eepro100 PCI network adapter i don`t have this problems
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April 13th, 2009 1:25am

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