Problems with KB2656351 on Win 7 Pro SP1 X64
I have the .Net Framework update KB2656351 issued on December 29 that keeps prompting to install. It has successfully installed over 20 times but it still keeps prompting me to install it. How do I convince the system that it has successfully installed? I did try resetting Windows update by renaming the Software Distribution folder but that had no effect.Don
January 13th, 2012 9:17am

I am also having this problem. I'm up to 8 now!
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January 15th, 2012 9:41am

Me too constant loop,grrrr.
January 15th, 2012 10:16am

Glad to hear the issue is resolved. Regards, Miya TechNet Subscriber Support If you are TechNet Subscription user and have any feedback on our support quality, please send your feedback here.Miya Yao TechNet Community Support
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January 15th, 2012 8:33pm

Glad to hear the issue is resolved. Regards, Miya TechNet Subscriber Support If you are TechNet Subscription user and have any feedback on our support quality, please send your feedback here. Miya Yao TechNet Community Support With respect I would say this is a work around rather than a resolution. I have the same issue and should not need to go through this process because of shoddy code. Surely this should be fixed, or at least looked into.....
January 18th, 2012 12:49pm

Mike: Normally I'd agree with you, but there is no reason to believe its "shoddy code" that is at fault here, I've got several of my own machines and literally tens of thousands in my "forest" that installed just fine. Perhaps your AV or some anomalous action caused part of a previous install to fail, perhaps AV is interfering with only this latest KB. Notice I'm not "blaming you" per se, I'm merely suggesting something else got hosed up somewhere along the line that is triggering the install tail-chasing. "Shoddy code" is when some sizable subset of users experience the same issue. In even some of those cases "shoddy code" is blamed instead of the true culprit, manufacturers violations of best practices. One concrete example is HP having used a "dual purpose" image that carried both Intel and AMD code in their Windows XP install. When a MS update came along these machines were stuck in a reboot loop. This was due to the MS installer "seeing" an AMD file that should NOT have been on the intel machine and so the installer went ahead and installed the AMD patch which resulted in the loop. Now you could argue MS is at fault "shoddy code" for not checking deeper, or you could blame HP for violating a long-established "best practices" rule. Myself, I blame HP. Those who presume MS just stumbles though this stuff and barely manages to get working code out the door will of course blame MS for HP's error. HP "saved" a few hours by creating an image they thought could be used on any machine in production at the time. This "time savings measure" ended up will 10's of thousands of machines stuck in an endless boot/reboot cycle, and in the end cost them 10's of thousands of dollars, and I'd bet a few customers too. Keep in mind too, this is a peer to peer site, MS provides this space so users can help one another, in lieu of direct support. The idea being you don't have to pay to find solutions to your problem. Having said that, you obviously could elevate this to paid support and pray that the problem is MS's fault, otherwise you might just be spending large sums of money only to determine the approved fix is to simply uninstall a pakage and re-install it. Best regards, DAS
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January 18th, 2012 1:28pm

Well put. All too often people in this 'industry' are very quick to paint Msoft as some vindictive, back street company that don't have the know-how to fix problems or just don't care when this is totally untrue. There have been loads of occasions where they've released a patch to fix an issue that only affects an extremely small % of the user base. They have also been quick to apologise and take it on the chin when mistakes have been made. Don't misunderstand me, I don't think that they are a truly benevolent, altruistic company. They exist to make money. Yet, they still take time to look after their customers. This issue is annoying, but can be fixed in about 10 minutes with an uninstall and reinstall. Hardly the end of the world.
January 18th, 2012 2:01pm

MrFawlty: Worse, I've seen people work for over 40 hours to find the root of a problem, still not discover it, then accept the approved solution and be up and running in mere minutes. I'm not saying that will be the case here, but with literally hundreds of thousands of possible combinations (actually far more) what amounts to a fix for some people is a "break" for others. Check out the thread on clipboard issues. All manner of gnashing of teeth assuming MS can't possibly know what they are doing, only to find that several of the people having the issue were running a 3rd party "memory manager" that was clearing the clipboard "for them". I'm not sure where a lot of this 3rd party worship got started, but there are no end to people that run 3rd party tools that are supposed to make life so much incredibly better that they can't live without it, again, the assumption being MS can't get it right and you need 3rd party tools to "keep your system working fast and smooth". Then when an issue is discovered where the 3rd party tool is found to be the root cause, of course there are no retractions of the disparaging remarks against MS, at most you'll get "well MS should have worked with this tool, I've been using it for years". How about the guy running an older version of "registry cleaner" on the Win8 Developer's Preview that was totally miffed that his fresh installs were continually "broken" after just a few hours? Well, how about NOT RUNNING snake-oil 3rd party "tools" on a brand new OS still under development and still not validated by the 3rd party manufacturer as working well with their snake-oil? I have one friend that bought Norton years ago. He only played a few games, and did some very minimalistic accounting for his business. Yet he'd sit for HOURS running every norton tool, multiple times to keep his system "at peak performance". Nevermind he never had a single problem warranting the running of any ONE of the tools, but he'd do so hour after hour, day after day. In the end I showed him how to check up on what Norton thought was a good idea to remove as "bogus" registry entries. In MORE CASES THAN NOT, Norton was going to remove a completely valid key and keep one that had no harmful impact, but if you are following along, the keys Norton removed were replaced the next time he used a piece of software, explaining why he could always count on norton finding something "wrong" with his system. I finally got him to leave his system ALONE, and years later its still smooth as silk. Amazing. Leave the thing alone and it still works? My God, whoever heard of such a thing? LOL DAS
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January 18th, 2012 2:32pm

Don't get me started on registry cleaners/optimisers/defragmentors etc. I couldn't number the amount of time I have wasted fixing issues those piles of software garbage have caused. And don't even mention anti-virus suites...
January 18th, 2012 2:37pm

I have to completely disagree with you Daryn. One of my primary jobs is .NET patching only because its such a constant mess. This is the third patch that has had this same exact problem. Intitially everyone always reccomends running the .NET clean up tool. Then later its revealed that this is only a work around. I can't run the .NET clean up tool on a thousand+ server farm every time one patch exhibits this behavior. Generally in a month we are going to see one of two responses. A. There was some sort of packaging error. B. You need to install four separate components instead of just the initial KB.
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February 3rd, 2012 2:35pm

So... It's over one month since people started having this problem, and I'm still having it. I've not yet tried the fix in the approved answer since I've only just come across this thread, but I think I'll give it a go. However, I was just wondering if I'd missed the announcements that were meant to happen after a month or so? I didn't see any. :(
March 29th, 2012 6:25am

19th of Jan it 1st appeared to try and install on my machine. Every day since then - Shut Down - Installing Updates - Update Marked as successful in Update History, but it then installs it everytime I switch off my pc without fail. On the 28th of Feb it was joined by a companion who does exactly the same thing - KB2600217. Does it on every Win7Pro64 system I configure as well.
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May 31st, 2012 1:14pm

Problem solved for Windows 7 Pro Sp1 Pl 1.Uninstall extended and client. 2.Download standalone full installer (it is important). Install it. Restart PC. Thats it. Regards,
July 28th, 2012 7:00am

Hi, I juste wanted to thank you (Don Clayton) for your above message. It helped me to solve a very similar problem. :-) Nicolas
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August 5th, 2012 2:34pm

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