Problems with Roaming UserProfil when User Logoff and LogOn again
HelloWe have a problem with all windows XP Computer in our network with roaming user profil.When a user logoff the windows session and re-logon again Windows can sometimes not load the user profil and load a temporary profil.In the event log following error messages is writed down:Ereignistyp: ErrorEreignisquelle: UserenvEreigniskategorie: KeineEreignis-ID: 1509Date: 16.07.2010Time: 16:15:37User: GEF-BE-CH\pzt12dComputer: G15166Description:Windows cannot copy file \\g3110srv001usr\Profiles\pzt12d\IETldCache\index.dat to location C:\Documents and Settings\pzt12d\IETldCache\index.dat. Possible causes of this error include network problems or insufficient security rights. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator. DETAIL - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.Event 2:Ereignistyp: FehlerEreignisquelle: UserenvEreigniskategorie: KeineEreignis-ID: 1515Datum: 16.07.2010Zeit: 16:15:37Benutzer: GEF-BE-CH\pzt12dComputer: G15166Beschreibung:Windows has backed up this user's profile. Windows will automatically try to use the backed up profile the next time this user logs on.Event 3:Ereignistyp: FehlerEreignisquelle: UserenvEreigniskategorie: KeineEreignis-ID: 1511Datum: 16.07.2010Zeit: 16:15:43Benutzer: GEF-BE-CH\pzt12dComputer: G15166Beschreibung:Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a temporary profile. Changes you make to this profile will be lost when you log off.This Problem we have with Windows XP SP3 English inkl. German MUI, Internet Explorer 8Have anyone the same problem or have anyone a idee wath colud be the problem?GreetingsSimon6 people need an answerI do too
July 19th, 2010 10:05am

We also have the same problem as Simon with all Windows XP computers on our network with roaming profile and occurs when users log off and log back on windows session.Users get “IETldCache \ index.dat” messages during logon and the eventlog the following EventID `s 1509, 1515,1511 writed.---------------Event Type: ErrorEvent Source: UserenvEvent Category: NoneEvent ID: 1509Date: 10/15/2010Time: 10:59:23 p.m.User: SUPERMARKETEN \ USERNAMEComputer: Computer NameDescription:Windows can not copy file \ \ Server \ Usrdata \ Profiles \ USERNAME \ IETldCache \ index.dat to location C: \ Documents and Settings \ USERNAME \ IETldCache \ index.dat copy. Possible Causes of this error include network problems or Insufficient security rights. If this problem persist, contact your network administrator.DETAIL - The process can not access the file Because it is being Used by another process.-----------This problem started after updating to SP3 and Internet Explorer 8 for a few users, but now many users of the network are affected by this problem.Following the advice I have uphclean installed on computers with sp3.The problem is especially after installing version 1.6 UPHclean become more.Since the installation we get more 1509.1515 and 1509 reports.I have a few computers at the uphclean 1.6 uphclean removed and installed version 2.0 beta for testing and this was no solution.I have the profiles of a few users reset, but it also helps for a while.It was not a final solution.I can not find any information on the Microsoft support site.Does anyone have other ideas or have a solution to this problem?I also enclose a detailed Userenv.log.LINK
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October 17th, 2010 3:20pm

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