Publishing Exchange 2013 Outlook Web App with Forefront TMG 2010

Hello guys,

I have published Exchange 2013 via TMG 2010 with pre-authentication. Since this is the first time I am doing it- I want to ask experts for the explanations:).

When I configure Active Sync on mobile, I just type the password and  it's starts syncing after 20 sec.

When I use browser and trying to login using TMG logon screen, after I enter credentials (if they were not wrong), I get exchange 2013 logon screen ( because my password was checked by DC's).

I have customized TMG tamplate to Exchange 2013 tamplate, but it did not help- I have two logon screens.

Is it possible to configure TMG for showing only one logon screen ( without disabling pre-authentication) ? Does it work this way?

Did I miss something?

April 4th, 2015 9:34pm


Please try to enable FBA for external and internal OWA 2010 users by the methods in the blog below.

 There are several ways to accomplish this:
  • Have internal users pointed to the internal interface of the Forefront TMG and utilize the forms-based authentication logon page offered by Forefront TMG. 
  • Deploy Forefront UAG instead of Forefront TMG. Forefront UAG allows you to have FBA enabled on both the Exchange 2010 Client Access Servers and on the Forefront UAG solution itself. 
  • Publish Exchange 2010 to the Internet using Forefront TMG but do not configure pre-authentication. This way the users need to go through the Forefront TMG solution, but will authenticate directly against the Exchange 2010 Client Access servers. 
  • Configure an additional OWA and ECP virtual directory on the Exchange 2010 Client Access Servers.


Then check the blog - Creating a custom Forefront TMG 2010 OWA FBA logon page

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Best Regards,


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April 6th, 2015 10:55pm

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