Question about RC
ive read a blog stating..."The RC is done and what we are doing is validating this against the breadth of the ecosystem and with partners. It means, from our perspective, we have run many tests many times and are working to understand the quality of the release in a breadth sense. Were all familiar with this as we have done this same thing as we went from pre-Beta to Beta and from Beta to RC. The primary difference with the RC is that we will not be changing the functionality or features of the product at this pointthats the sort of thing well save for a future release....What sort of feedback are we looking for in the RC? We are primarily focused on monitoring the behavior of the product through the telemetry, and of course making sure we did not introduce any regressions in any dimension from Beta quality...." (from: that mean most of the suggestions here for RC are not going to be implemented?please give some light on this matter. thanks
May 17th, 2009 9:07pm

The Microsoft developers working on Windows 7 review suggestions and implement those that can be reasonably done at this late stage.Carey Frisch
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May 17th, 2009 10:59pm

While I agree with Carey that the developers will look at suggestions, if those suggestion are to do with specific 'features' of Windows 7 then they are unlikely to be implemented as, AFAIK Windows 7 is 'now' feature complete, so, basically, what you see is what you get.John Barnett MVP: Windows XP Associate Expert: Windows Desktop Experience: Web:; Web:; Web:;
May 17th, 2009 11:45pm

Some people have commented that the RC is less stable than the Beta was. I suspect that this is true and that the reason is that the Beta was released with the functionality available at the time with the aim of identifying any useability issues or functionality changes that were needed. The RC has been produced with some additionalfeatures and some tweaks to the functionality with the aim of identifying and splatting any bugs.Thus, the Beta was a 95% solution that was (mostly) bug-free while the RC is a 100% solution with some remaining bugs. This is why Microsoft's principle aim for the RC is to identify bugs and they are probably trying as hard as possible to avoid changing any functionality... They want and need to release something that is as clean as possible.However, I am sure that functionality comments are being collated into a longer term to-do list and I expect a few updates in the first few months after Windows 7 is released that will add or modify functionality.Built my own i7-920, Asus P6T, 6GB, 1TB Caviar Black, 4870 with 1GB.
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May 18th, 2009 12:38am

The Microsoft developers working on Windows 7 review suggestions and implement those that can be reasonably done at this late stage. Carey Frisch I hope this does not mean this mean that the installation problems that many who frequent this forum will not be addressed?
May 18th, 2009 12:57am

My installation problems were due to having to burn my own DVD. Once I had a clean burn, I had no other installation problems. At least for me, buying a professionally burned copy would have prevented the problems altogether.Similarly, a majority of Windows 7 users are likely to have Windows 7 pre-installed on their brand new PC and so would also not be affected.However, I do know that others have had problems during the installation and I expect that those are a priority for Microsoft to fix before Windows 7 is released since Iam sure thatMicrosoft want as many people to upgrade as possible. Indeed, from this perspective, finding a way to allow XP users to upgrade would seem to be a priority for Microsoft.Built my own i7-920, Asus P6T, 6GB, 1TB Caviar Black, 4870 with 1GB.
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May 18th, 2009 1:12am

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