Quick question: regarding creating and formatting documents?
  1. Can you create and format documents using Windows 8? Explain your answer.
July 30th, 2015 6:52pm

1. What do you mean? More detailed description is needed. We are not sitting in fron of your computer. What application do you use for your documents?

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July 30th, 2015 7:00pm

I don't know what my Professor means , that is why I am a little concerned, I do not know. 
July 30th, 2015 7:02pm

Whether or not Windows 8 can create or format a document is a bit complex. Windows 8 is an operating system, not a text editing application, as such you really cant use Windows 8 to create or edit documents on the other hand, Windows 8 includes WordPad, which is a text editor that can create or edit documents. Whether Windows 8 is considered the core operating system or the suite of applications included in the default environment is a question of perspective.

Windows 8 also includes Notepad, which can edit text files that do not support formatting, whether or not this text file is considered a document is again a matter of perspective. These files can be created and text can be added, but the text cannot be formatted. You can also install any number of text or document editing applications on Windows 8 and use Windows 8 to run those applications to edit or format documents. For example you can install Microsoft Word on Windows 8 and then effectively use Windows 8 to run Word and thus create or format documents.

Windows Outreach Team- IT Pro
Windows for IT Pros on TechNet

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August 7th, 2015 4:08pm

Whether or not Windows 8 can create or format a document is a bit complex. Windows 8 is an operating system, not a text editing application, as such you really cant use Windows 8 to create or edit documents on the other hand, Windows 8 includes WordPad, which is a text editor that can create or edit documents. Whether Windows 8 is considered the core operating system or the suite of applications included in the default environment is a question of perspective.

Windows 8 also includes Notepad, which can edit text files that do not support formatting, whether or not this text file is considered a document is again a matter of perspective. These files can be created and text can be added, but the text cannot be formatted. You can also install any number of text or document editing applications on Windows 8 and use Windows 8 to run those applications to edit or format documents. For example you can install Microsoft Word on Windows 8 and then effectively use Windows 8 to run Word and thus create or format documents.

Windows Outreach Team- IT Pro
Windows for IT Pros on TechNet

August 7th, 2015 8:06pm

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