RDP connection from windows disconnects frequently
Hi I am having an issue with windows 7 Ent workstations, when RDPing to any server with in the network from any workstation it disconnects if the RDP session is idle even for like 30 seconds. When I minimize the RDP window and max it in 1 min it says - Session is disconnected and will try to acquire it again. I have windows 2008 Ent servers that I am trying to RDP to. All my workstations are windows 7 Ent or Pro. All my servers are Win2008. All of them have most current patches. I tried to disable Auto tuning feature - Did not work, Tried reducing MTU from 1500 to 1300 did not work, Rolled back NIC drivers to previous version Did not work, Changed the NIC speed from AUTO to 100/Half, 100/Full did not work. I can confirm that there is no packet drop from the workstation to the server. So yesterday night for the heck of it I started RDP session to one of the server and then I started pinging the server continuously and lo behold the RDP connecting did not drop. This leads me to believe that some component with in the network or server would just disconnect an idle session. Can some one point me in the right direction? What should I be looking for? The switches I have are dumb switches...just plug and power I did not have to config them till date. And yes Guru's thank you for your time in advance.~VC
July 6th, 2011 3:38pm

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