RDP fails to stay connected from Windows 7 to Windows Server 2008
I'll do that when people get back because that will require a sighted person considering the state that my keyboard is in during RDP sessions right now. But two questions though: first, when pasting something from the remote session on the clipboard, is that still available locally once the remote session is ended? And two, how do I attach screen shots and files to posts on this board? I've never had to do this before, and I kind of want to do it right the first time. I appreciate so much your trying to help me. Thank you very much for all you've done so far.
April 7th, 2012 10:22am

We are definitely trying from different clients, but because I am as blind as a bat, there is more software involved, and I'm beginning to wonder what's actually going on. For instance, I use a screen reader (a software that converts text to speech so I can read it), but that's can't be the problem I don't think since it was working just fine a few weeks ago (except for the audio, but that's another issue which has nothing to do with this). Maybe I should try to explain it better. It's not logging in that I'm having trouble with, and there are no blatant error messages on the screen for me to troubleshoot. What happens is that it takes my credentials, then when the remote session reaches the welcome screen on it's way to logging in, a second later, it just goes blank. No explanation or anything. Just ... boom. The screen is just a very plain, ominous blue screen (though not the blue screen of death.) Should I seriously ask my mentor to check the event logs? If he does, then where should he look? On the server? The client? Thanks.
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April 7th, 2012 1:02pm

AHA! :-) Let us try do things from scratch. First of all ask server administrator to end all connections gracefully. Chances are that there are disconnected sessions and the second attempt to connect is interpreted incorrectly. To exclude the impact of your special software, ask your mentor to connect from vanilla plain operating system, or at least from computer that have no visualization software. If this does not help, give try to terminal server forums at following sites: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/forums/en/winserverTS http://ts.veranoest.net/ http://www.brianmadden.com/ (there is a shift to desktop virtualization but RDC is in focus) For troubleshooting it is usefull to look into event logs on both, server and workstation. Imagine, that we are far from your system and have only information that you provide. Regards Milos
April 7th, 2012 2:55pm

I'm going to check a couple more things, and then I'll get back to you. The Window-eyes screen reader has been known to cause problems on server operating systems lately, so it could just now be deciding to show. I'd in fact be happier if it was just Window-Eyes acting up because then I'll know my computer's not on the fritz.
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April 8th, 2012 12:17am

Hi all, I am really curious about this because it's putting my productivity in the tank. My mentor and I are doing something with a server, and he's having me use RDP to connect to the server itself. I was getting it to work just fine for a while, and then, like maybe two weeks ago, I could no longer connect. Basically it acted as if it was going to, and then it just ceased to do anything and showed a blank screen. I was getting no feedback from my keyboard, no audio, nothing. The only thing that remotely resembled something functional was the toolbar at the bottom with options to kill the connection. I tried everything from closing out all running applications all the way to seeing that no services were disabled that had to do with the protocol. I can find no culprit here on my Windows 7 laptop. Could it be something on the server? If anyone could tell me any information about this, I'd appreciate it. Thank you very much. Cron.
April 8th, 2012 1:12am

I have just read the thread again and I could not imagine what is on the screen after you had logged in. My guess is that you can see part of enlarged remote screen but the option "kill" on the "bar" does not seem to be natural for normal RDP. Could you attach the screen (Alt+PrtScr and paste into Paint)? Regards Milos
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April 8th, 2012 2:41am

1. When connection is not successful, the RDS would issue a message. This is first information on possible cause. 2. Try to remember, what you had done before this phenomenon has appeared. Test your updates, configuratuon changes, application installs 3. Go into Event log and see what warnings and errors point to the RD 4. There are troubleshooting procedures. Look into http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2477133 http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Troubleshoot-Remote-Desktop-problems 5. If nothing helps, use network monitor (either from MS of free Wireshark) to pinpoint the cause 6. Double check the route from client to server (active and passive network componets), try to connect from different client(s) Regards Milos
April 8th, 2012 3:23am

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