Hi been trying to change folder from read only to be able to write so i click the read only tab to be able to write to folders and when i check again it still has read only highlighted. And if i have folders within folders i have to this to each folder and when checked they are all still read only why is this?
June 7th, 2009 4:24pm

Just as it was in Windows XP and Vista, the read/write attribute isn't applicable to folders in Windows 7. If you are trying to change permissions on files, right-click on the parent folder and then on the Security tab. You will see where you can add/remove users. To have all items inside the parent folder change their ownership/permission to match, click on the Advanced button and check the box that says, "Include inheritable permissions...". If you click on the link under that box "Managing permission entries" you will get a very good Help article explaining the whole thing. I would read that before making any changes.MS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!
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June 7th, 2009 4:45pm

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