Re-Directed when trying to access Internet
I installed IE( and immidiately began recieving message " ATT detected a problem with your internet connection. Suspicious of the message I called my ISP ATT to verify, not their's. In running Norton 360, it is unable to find any Malware. I uninstalled IE9 and reverted to IE8. I am now getting pop windows to reconnect to network. Can someone offer some assistance, Iam not a computer literate user, but I know enough to get in trouble. Thanks
February 12th, 2012 7:11am

How did this message occur? What about to access the Microsoft site? Or it occurs on some special sites? If so, you may check if these sites are secure. If all the sites encountered this issue, you may check if there are any security settings or firewall which block the sites.Sabrina TechNet Community Support
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February 14th, 2012 1:11am

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