Re-Enable Passsword Picture


Yesterday I added my companies Mail-Account on my tablet (with the Windows 8 Prof. included Mail-App). As I connected, there was a warning, that the companies Policy maybe will restrict some Settings (for example the "Password Picture or Lock-Time of the Screen...). I thought, okey, no Problem - I'll delete the Companie-Mail-Account again if I really cannot use the Picture Password after having my companies Mail-Account in the Mail-App... I locked my tablet, and went to the logon-screen again -> no Picture Password anymore... gone...

So I logged in with my Password and went to the Mail-App to delete my companies Mail-Account again... But now I am still unable to reactivate the Password Picture again... The Setting is greyed out!! Did I Forget anything?

I already tried:

- Restarting OS
- Reconnect and Disconnect the Mail-Account of the Company again

Thank you for any help... I want to use the Password Pictrue again - It's my private tablet!

Cheers Trigger

July 25th, 2013 3:44am

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