Reading data from a Zero Index card when more than one cards are connected with the system.
Thanks in Advance. I am working on a smartcard application and in this application I am trying to read the certificate from a smartcard. It is working fine if I connect a single card with the machine at a time. When I connect more than one cards with the system then the application show me a dialog to select the specific card. It is showing the cards list in the dialog list controlas "AKS if dh 0", "AKS if dh 1", "AKS if dh 2" etc. Instead of selecting the cards "AKS if dh 1" or "AKS if dh 2" it is reading the data from the "AKS if dh 0" card. Can we connect two cards at the same to read the data? Is it a valid scenario? Regards,Baloch
June 28th, 2008 1:10pm

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