Redirecting Libraries to Roaming Profile Location
Hi, I've got Windows Server 2003 R2 with Windows 7 running RSAT and I have roaming profiles for my students which have been locked down as much as possible so they can't interfere with settings and things they shouldn't do. I've got everything working perfectly except for Libraries and also the 'User's Name' link in the start menu. With Libraries, they are all pointing to a local profile area instead of the profile area which I've specified on the account settings. How can I change these through group policy or through a logon script to point to the roaming profile location (e.g. Make the Documents Library redirect to '\\WIN2K3SRV\profiles\Students\08\%username%\Documents' instead of 'C:\Users\%username%\Documents') and make the link in the Start Menu below the user's display picture redirect to '\\WIN2K3SRV\profiles\Students\08\%username%'? I hope that made sense. Any questions, please ask.
August 28th, 2010 5:35pm

Really there is no magic here, you just apply a document redirection policy. Once that policy is applied their documents would be redirected to \\WIN2K3SRV\profiles\Students\08\%username%\Documents We have not made any other changes in our environment for this to to work the same as vista. If you have already applied these settings then I would check the even log on the client for GPO errors referring to folder redirection. -Dan
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August 29th, 2010 12:07am

Ah of course, makes sense. I hadn't applied a redirection policy this time. Me having a silly moment as now you mention it, it makes sense.
August 29th, 2010 12:53pm

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