Regular Bootup Failure!
I have Windows XP Home edition 2005. Recently I have been experiencing regular bootup process by indicating "Floppy Diskette Failure Seek Failure with (2) beep sounds. It then intructs to click on F1 to continue the bootup process which then it boots up when I comply. Then it gives me errors such as "RunDll.exe-Bad Image please check this against your installation diskette". "Error loading P17Run.dll % is not a valid Win 32 Application". "RunDill-Missing entry:RunDLLEntry". Also, my computer runs awfully slow in the proicess although I clean the disks and defrag regular and recently installed a new CMOS battery. How could I remedy these errors? Your support would be most appreciated!2 people need an answerI do too
April 28th, 2010 5:15pm

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