Relationship criteria of a root synchronization rule should not be null


Created an Outbound System Scoping Filter Sync Rule, and during initial setup I set the "Relationship Criteria attribute" to be 'employeeID'. However, this value cannot be modified once the rule is created, as the drop down box is grayed out (1st pic below).

When I subsequently try Full Import/Full Sync on the FIM Portal MA, I get this error message:

"Relationship criteria of a root synchronization rule should not be null." (2nd pic below)

Sounds like FIM (build 4.1.3479.0) is confused?



  • Edited by Shim Kwan Tuesday, April 14, 2015 3:53 AM
April 14th, 2015 3:51am


"Relationship Criteria" is how you set up join rules that are used to create a connection during an inbound synchronization operation - This is why it is greyed since the rule only had outbound flow.

We have upgraded FIM to build 4.1.3613.0, and we're following the following lab:

On Full Sync, FIM still reports the: sync-rule-validation-parsing-error, and now there is this additional info:

Encountered an error while parsing/validating a synchronization rule

Just to prove a point, we have removed ALL attribute flows from the Sync Rule, we are flowing nothing...and FIM still complains.

Seems like FIM is a buggy product.

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April 27th, 2015 11:48pm


"Relationship Criteria" is how you set up join rules that are used to create a connection during an inbound synchronization operation - This is why it is greyed since the rule only had outbound flow.

We have upgraded FIM to build 4.1.3613.0, and we're following the following lab:

On Full Sync, FIM still reports the: sync-rule-validation-parsing-error, and now there is this additional info:

Encountered an error while parsing/validating a synchronization rule

Just to prove a point, we have removed ALL attribute flows from the Sync Rule, we are flowing nothing...and FIM still complains.

Seems like FIM is a buggy product.

  • Edited by Shim Kwan Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:52 AM
April 28th, 2015 3:46am

The issue appears when you are syncing the sync rule into the Metaverse rather than when the sync rule is being applied to an Metaverse object.

Try deleting this sync rule -- recreate it but without the relationship criteria.

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May 1st, 2015 12:51am

Markus provides an authoritative answer that the relationship criteria doesn't do anything on outbound. The UI allows you to add it but then it takes it away.
May 1st, 2015 12:55am

If my proposed solution doesn't work then export the sync rule to xml and upload it here.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 1st, 2015 12:55am

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