Remote Desktop
I have the Remote Desktop Connection in my start menu, and I added the /admin parameter to the properties, which works fine. However if I select a connection from the jump list in the start menu, the /admin parameter is ignored and RDC does not open the console session.Has anyone seen this or have a solution?
May 8th, 2009 2:15pm

Dave - Normally, I'd suggest editing the shortcut and adding the Run as Admin checkbox under compatability - but since this is part of the OS, that's not possible. It DOES, however, have the Run as Administrator option (with the usual UAC flag) when you right click on the shortcut. Might be the only way to make that work...
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May 8th, 2009 3:07pm

Wolfie2k6This does not providea workaround. The /admin option forces mstsc to connect to the console session of the remote PC - running mstsc as adminisrator or otherwise makes no difference. When you select an item in the jump list, the parameter in the shortcut is ignored.
May 10th, 2009 10:52pm

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