Remote Desktop - Bizzare behavior!
I have two computer systems on two different networks each acting in an odd manner. On the first network, I have a computer I can not access via Remote Desktop. I get the standard questions as to make sure it is set up properly (it is). However, there is a WHS NAS on this network. I can use the WHS Console to access the computer remotely. I would assume that this is also using Remote Desktop, so I am confused. On the work network, I have the reverse! I can access one computer via standard Remote Desktop, but not through the WHS Console. On each network, all of the other computers are working properly and I can access them using either method. The computers are also not being accessed over the internet, only internally. Occassionally, we would like to access them over the net using the WHS Console though. This has me baffled!!! Any ideas are welcome!
September 11th, 2010 10:58pm

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