Remote Desktop Connection from WAN
This is a copy of a post that I put up on at I haven't been able to resolve the issue and was hoping that someone here may be able to help. From reading the responses at sevenforums, it seems that others may be having the same problem. I am having difficulty with RDP and was hoping for some suggestions. I cannot login to RDP outside the local network, only from inside the LAN. All addresses are port forwarded in the router. The machines that I am trying to connect to have Win 7 x64 Ultimate. Here is the scenario and what I have done to troubleshoot:1) All computers have static ip addresses on the local area network. 2) I have used an online port check tool and the problem I am getting is that ports 3389 and 3390 (the ports I have designated as RDP listenting ports) are showing closed. I know that the ports showing closed can be due to a few factors, so here are the tests that I ran:1) I can log into RDP successfully from inside the LAN, so I assume that the problem is not with any type of software firewall configuration. These computers do all have Kaspersky Internet Security on them, but I have no problems connecting inside the netwok.2) I thought that the router wasn't properly forwarding port addresses so I took the router to another location (Different ISP) and found that RDP works just fine there when accessing an x86 machine from the WAN.3) Now I'm wondering if the ISP is blocking the port ranges so I took a laptop back to the original location and it works just fine so I know that its not an ISP issue. The only difference I can note is that the laptop (computer that RDP works on), is a 32bit Win 7 Ultimate machine and the other two are x64. Aside from that, all software and internet security settings are the same. 4)I now took the router to a third location and again have the same problem. An x86 RDP port forward works just fine, An x64 computer will not allow the port forward from the WANAny thoughts on what might be causing this problem? I'm about to pull my hair out from frustration...Thanks for any help.CS
December 3rd, 2009 8:42pm

just a question: how many router do you have in your network? for example, wireless, adsl modem/router, etc.
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December 4th, 2009 9:46am

Just one.... the setups are a motorola surfboard modem and a linksys router (tried both wireless and wired). I've gone into the configuration page of the surfboard modem and ensured that DHCP capabilities are disabled.
December 4th, 2009 3:12pm

The first course of action would be to uninstall Kaspersky and test.Have you used any other VNC app to test??? try to forward the ports to a VNC server on the box?
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December 4th, 2009 3:22pm

ok! so you have a motorola surfboard modem, which has an ethernet cable going into your linksys router, correct? what is the ip address of your motorola modem, and the linksys router? if you want to open the administration webpage on mtorola and linksys what ip addresses do you use for each? i am only trying to assertain as to how you have configured post forwarding and why you are getting the port closed message when you test the port forwarding?also, i am assuming that you have tested the rdp by disabling all firewalls, that is both kaspersky and windows (if turned on).
December 4th, 2009 5:34pm

also, test remote desktop using Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop under control panel -->system --> Advanced system settings --> remote tab
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December 4th, 2009 5:39pm

The router gets an external ip address from the modem. No problems there. I set a static ip which is outside the dhcp range of the router for the machine in question. Using the port checker at, ports forward (and show open) without problem on x86 machines. They do not on x64 machines.I have disabled Kaspersky completely, and also disabled Windows firewall. I have also tried all combinations of RDP authentication settings. The point here is that its not necessary to disable any of this on the x86 machines using the exact same software!I've moved on to a VPN connection that makes this a mute point. I plan to work with VNC next, but from here on out everything will be routed through the VPN. Thanks for all your efforts attempting to resolve the issue.
December 4th, 2009 11:35pm

Hello USERVICES,I tried to replicate the problem on a Desktop computer with Windows 7 x64 Ultimate. I used two routers, (ADSL modem, and Wirelss Router) both Netgear. I configured port forwarding for RDP on both the routers and tested to see if the port is forwarded correctly using the utility that you have mentioned in your post ( It showed that the port is not open when I had the firewall in Kaspersky Internet Security Suite 2010 enabled. When I disabled it, the port showed as opened. I tested the RDP and it worked. My ISP has assigned one static public IP address to us. The ADSL modem router is assigining an IP address to the Wireless router from the DHCP range, however, I have address reservation configured. The Wireless router has its own DHCP server running and it is assigining the IP addresses to all the computers, iPhone, etc on our network.Personally, I would go the VPN way.Regards,Ajay
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December 5th, 2009 12:36pm

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