Remote Desktop Disabled on 8.1 Preview?


In installed Win 8.1 Preview on one of my machines.   I typically connect via Remote Desktop to the machine.  However, after upgrading from 8.0 to 8.1 preview, I can no longer RD to the machine.  If I look at the RD settings, everything is grayed out except the 'Select Users' and the 'Allow connections only from NLA enabled....'  

The allow remote assistance configuration appears normal and is usable.  

I don't have a Remote Desktop Hosts Server service running, or even listed, but I'm not sure there should be one in Windows 8.  

Is anyone else seeing this behavior or able to RDP to a Windows 8.1 machine?

June 28th, 2013 6:06pm

I am able to remote desktop from my Surface RT and only sometimes from my desktop. But I seem to have a different issue than you, I get a wierd low virtual memory error everytime i try to remote now. I was able to get the Windows 8.1 app to work one time but that is it.
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June 28th, 2013 6:21pm

An update to this:  I am able to RDP from another windows machine (2008 Server) but not using the Mac Microsoft Remote Desktop client.

Still a mystery why the settings would be greyed out the way they are though...  There aren't any group policies enforced by our domain that should affect that and it was working fine before the upgrade.

June 28th, 2013 6:26pm


I dont have issue with windows client remote to windows 8.1 preview,  can you unselect Allow connections only from NLA enabled option then have a try?

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July 2nd, 2013 1:38am

Thanks for the response.  It was not checked to begin with.  I've tried in both modes. 

This appears to be an issue specifically with the RDP client on Mac, as the windows RDP client works.   Something changed though, as this was working fine right up to the upgrade to 8.1.   In fact, I started the upgrade from the Mac RDP client.

July 2nd, 2013 12:48pm

More digging.

I've looked into the event logs for the RDP server and I see:

  1. the connection request come in
  2. the server creates the new RDP connection
  3. A new perf counter session is created
  4. The server terminates the main RDP connection with the client.
  5. The disconnect reason code logged is '0'

0 seems like an odd disconnect reason code.  Does anyone know where's there is a list of these codes?

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July 2nd, 2013 2:22pm


Can you post the full event message in forum? Maybe that would lead us to a right direction.

July 3rd, 2013 8:46pm

I set allow remote connections on, all users and am connected with no issue.

suggest you turn off remote desktop, reboot, and try turning it back on

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July 4th, 2013 1:37pm

I have come across the same issue, I am able to remote in from other windows machines (7, 8, 8.1) but not from my mac. The machine i'm trying to remote into was running windows 8 and I did the upgrade to 8.1, and all of the other settings i set were transferred over without a problem. 

It is for this reason that i'm starting to think the problem is with the remote desktop connection for mac app. My guess is that we will have to wait for Microsoft  to put out an update to the mac app before we will be able to connect.

July 5th, 2013 12:24am

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