Remote Desktop Problem With Excel Worksheet on Dual Monitor Setup
This may be a bug related to Remote Desktop. I have a problem where Remote Desktop tries to steal the focus when I work with Excel on a dual monitor setup. So, if I have Excel open on one screen, and if I then have a remote desktop session on a second screen, sometimes when I copy that back and forth from the RD window, the taskbar will begin to flash as if trying to get the control when I work in Excel. Note that my primary computer is Windows Vista, I am using Excel 2007 and I am using RD to connect to a Windows XP computer. Both computers are fully patched with the latest SPs. Monitor 1 (left) is the primary monitor that has Excel on it, and Monitor 2 (right) has the RD window in full screen mode.This becomes a problem because normally, my taskbar is hidden, but each time the RD window keeps flashing, it unhides the taskbar and covers a lot of my work. I do not recall this problem occuring in XP, but I may have forgotten. Also, I have only noticed this problem when I am working with RD and Excel. In addition, this problem is not consistent and the problem sometimes doesnt occur.A workaround that I use is to not open the RD window in full screen mode.Anyone else have this issue, or any suggestions on resolving this problem?Thanks.
October 13th, 2008 9:07pm

Does the issue only occur while running Office Excel 2007? Try another software with Remote Desktop and let me know the result.
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October 16th, 2008 5:12am

Thanks for responding mR mOOn. That's what's weird - I haven't noticed it with any other program. Other than Excel, I primarily use Outlook, Explorer and the MMC windows on the primary computer and I have not noticed this problem when using these other programs. Also, I have noticed this problem over the course of a few months and rebooting has not helped the situation.
October 16th, 2008 5:21am

For your current situation, since the issue only occurs while using Excel application and RDP, I suggest you submit an Office Excel service request to solve the problem in timely manner.
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October 20th, 2008 7:24am

I don't suppose anything came of this? I've got the same problem. I'm using a remote desktop and excel 2007. However, i seem to remeber that the same thing used ot happen with my previous version too. I'm working on an XP machine, so it isn't a Visa issue. Just to reiterate, it only happens when I've got a RD full screen on a second monitor... Mark
June 12th, 2009 9:37am

I've also been having this EXACT same problem off and on for the last year or so. Very annoying.
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November 2nd, 2009 3:18pm

anybody know if this issue's been resolved? I've been having same problem for some time now and it's really annoying. I'm using Windows XP with office 2007.
January 19th, 2010 2:53pm

This may be a bug related to Remote Desktop. I have a problem where Remote Desktop tries to steal the focus when I work with Excel on a dual monitor setup. So, if I have Excel open on one screen, and if I then have a remote desktop session on a second screen, sometimes when I copy that back and forth from the RD window, the taskbar will begin to flash as if trying to get the control when I work in Excel. Note that my primary computer is Windows Vista, I am using Excel 2007 and I am using RD to connect to a Windows XP computer. Both computers are fully patched with the latest SPs. Monitor 1 (left) is the primary monitor that has Excel on it, and Monitor 2 (right) has the RD window in full screen mode. This becomes a problem because normally, my taskbar is hidden, but each time the RD window keeps flashing, it unhides the taskbar and covers a lot of my work. I do not recall this problem occuring in XP, but I may have forgotten. Also, I have only noticed this problem when I am working with RD and Excel. In addition, this problem is not consistent and the problem sometimes doesnt occur. A workaround that I use is to not open the RD window in full screen mode. Anyone else have this issue, or any suggestions on resolving this problem? Thanks. Have you tried updating your Remote Desktop software? I was having this issue on Windows XP SP3. Fixed the issue by updating Remote Desktop from version 6.0.6001.18000 to 6.1.7600.16385. See this article for more: EDIT: Unfortunately, this did not solve the issue as previously stated. After updating RDC it worked for a few days, then the issue came back. Still have not found a solution :(
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July 21st, 2010 11:09am

This must be the most annoying problem I ever had on Windows. I just can't figure out why it does that :( I'm working on WinXP, two monitors, Excel 07 and RDP running. I also noted that when the focus is on RDP and I click on Excel on the other monitor, RDP doesn't lose focus to Excel, it keeps it. Only if I press once again on Excel it gets focus and RDP starts flashing. So a workaround I'm using is not to switch to Excel directly from RDP but first activate any other application and then go to Excel.
September 13th, 2011 8:08am

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