Remote Desktop connection using TLS/SSL no certificate warning with Vista RDP-Client
Hi, I configured a terminal server (Vista, Windows 7, ...) to require the use of SSL/TLS for RDP connections, based on the steps described in [1]. No my problem is, that on machines running Windows Vista as RDP-Client, if I connect to the server (also Vista and 7), the certificate warning [1 see Figure U] does not appear, the connection will be established without any message. This happens on every Vista machine I tested (physical and virtual machines). From Windows XP (with the actual RDP-Client installed) and Windows 7 it works fine an the certificate warning appears. Does anybody have a hint for me? The configuration is right, because it works with the XP and 7 RDP-Client. The case happens only on Vista with the included RDP-Client. I tested it only with Windows 7 and XP to ensure that the configuration is ok. The certificate is not installed as trusted. Every used operating system is up to data. Second question, when will the Windows 7 RDP Client (v 7.0) be available for Windows Vista and XP? Thanks Manuel [1]
June 5th, 2009 10:16am

Hi Manuel, I suggest you first try the solution in the following thread: Remote Desktop Security Warning For Windows 7 related issue, I recommend you post it in Win 7 forum via: Hope this helps!Sean Zhu - MSFT
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June 8th, 2009 11:04am

Hi Sean, i tried this advice days before, the same behavior. Does someone encouter the same problem? Summarized: Vista or Seven act as Terminal Server with TLS/SSL configured for authentication. Connection: Client Server XP -> Vista | Certiciate error Seven -> Vista | Certificate error Vista -> Vista | no Error, no warning XP -> Seven | Certificate error Seven -> Seven | Certificate error Vista -> Seven | No error, no warning As I mentioned, the operating systems are clean installs and up to date. In the RDP-Client settings Advanced Tab I use on Server authentication "Warn me", but even if I use "Dont connect if authentication fails" the connection will be established. I found a way (inofficial) way to use the Windows 7 RDP Client on Vista. But although the same, no certificate error, strange? Either I am the only one with this fault, or nobody use TLS/SSL with RDP on Vista *g* Thanks Manuel
June 8th, 2009 10:13pm

Meanwhile, I suggest you also post the issue to terminal service forum via the following link: Zhu - MSFT
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June 9th, 2009 12:24pm

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