Remote Desktop disconnects immediately. Error 4005; Windows logon process has unexpectedly terminated.

Hi, I have always been able to remote into my pc (Win 8.1) using remote desktop. Just recently this stopped working. Either I get a blank screen for about 10 seconds and then it closes or the connection closes immediately. Every time this happens I get error 4005 in the event log; Windows logon process has unexpectedly terminated. It seems the remote desktop stopped working after the last set of Windows updates were applied. But no other web searches indicates anyone else has had this problem recently. I've also read the Windows Server document or error 4005 which suggests my registry may be corrupt or a service may be stopped but this does not seem to apply to my situation. I'm stumped and without being able to remote into my pc from my office I can't do my job. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: After installing a new required Windows update and a bunch of optional Windows updates (that I had been ignoring), the problem has been fixed. I'm guessing which ever Windows update broke Remote Desktop was fixed in the latest update(s).
  • Edited by arzoo1 Wednesday, February 18, 2015 2:37 PM update. resolved.
February 15th, 2015 2:07am

All I can say is that the problem was initially caused by installing a bunch of Windows updates and the problem was resolved after installing a later set of Windows updates (including some that were marked as Optional). I have no idea which update(s) caused or solved the issue.
  • Marked as answer by arzoo1 22 hours 10 minutes ago
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February 23rd, 2015 8:36am

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