Remote Vista Management - Computer Management mmc
Very frustrated! Is there any way to use Compter Management mmc to remotely manage Vista Enterprise PC's? I have tried using my account (which is in Domain Admins, which is in the local Administrators group of each PC) and had no luck. I understand there is a registry change that can be done (LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy) , will this help? Also I want to manage the services, see who is logged on, etc. What is the best way to do this? Does the said registry setting disable UAC? I am coming to the point of disabling UAC if I can't find a solution. How does MS expect Admins to remotely manage Vista? ...Alan
June 22nd, 2007 4:02pm

The sad part is that I found the answer to this question over a month ago, but failed to document it. For the life of me I can not find it now. I managed to enable remote computer management on my Vista laptop, but now I can't set up the new deployments the same way because I don't remember what the registry key is. You would think Microsoft would makethis information a little easier for IT professionals to find. I know others have ran in to the same problem.
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April 12th, 2008 7:13pm

I'm experiencing the same problem. I cannot view services, or event logs to/from my Vista Ultimate pc's. They're both in the same workgroup. I can establish a connection to the remote target's compmgmt.msc console, but clicking on the remoteservices node, or event viewer logs yields an 'Access denied' message. This is a permission issue, since a connection is established between the hosts. I have admin rights. I'v seen this issue posted a lot on the web, but with no solution. MSFT, MVPs, are you monitoring this thread/issue? BTW, sc.exe fails as well when I do, "sc \\remotehostquery"...again,'Access denied'. I'll follow up with more detail.
August 29th, 2008 8:47pm

Hello matesI have the same issue here, i am trying to manage a vista pc from server 2003 domain controler, using mmc snap ins but when i choose and type the vista pc it recognises but wont connect becouse i am getting "access is denied" error.Please help
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December 6th, 2008 11:38pm

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