Remote desktop and Windows clipboard security issue.
I was surfing the web at home this morning and I copied and pasted a paragraph from one forum to another in google chrome. A while later I logged into my work pc via rdp and checked on some backups. Now I am sitting here at work and I used the paste command and got the paragraph I copied at home. I have the clipboard local resource enabled, but I never used the clipboard during my rdp session. So the issue is this, the contents of your clipboard get transferred to any machine you log into even if you don't use the clipboard feature. Let's say a vendor logs in to an end users pc to troubleshoot, the end user now has the text from a sensitive email vendor copied 2 hours ago. I can think of several other bad scenarios. It seems to me that the remote computers clipboard contents should only transfer if the remote computer actually uses the paste function.
January 19th, 2011 1:31pm

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