Remote desktop connection not working
I have two desktop PC's in my home, both running XP Pro SP3. They are some distance away, but I want to use RDC to connect them wirelessly, so that I can use iTunes on the "remote" PC, and only need to keep my music updated on the host PC. They obviously share the same router to access the internet.Although neither show a Remote tab in System Properties, I can get an RDC box up by using a shortcut I created "mstsc.exe". However, when I enter the ip address of the other machine from either end, and the user name, I just get the "connection failed" error message up.If it is relevant, I have enabled Active-X on both machines, but not changed any registry settings.Thanks for any help - this is very frustrating!1 person needs an answerI do too
October 26th, 2010 7:35am

See if this article helps: -B- | Author: The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 26th, 2010 3:37pm

Thanks, Ben This seems similar to, but much more thorough than many other articles I have collected. On quickly looking through it, the one item I am missing, which may be critical, is Internet Information Services in Windows Components - it simply isn't listed on the menus on both machines.
October 26th, 2010 4:09pm

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