Removed main computer and all others from the HomeGroup, however still directing main computer to get Password from Main Comupter
I am running 7 x64 on 4 machines. I was having trouble with one computer not being able to print using a shared printer. to fix it i tried to remove computer B from the homegroup then add it back, however it wouldnt take the password. (it was the right pw)I then removed computer C and tried to reconnect with that one, and it wouldn't. (it would hang like it was processing it. if i entered an incorrect pw, it would tell me right away)I then removed computerD and also computer A (the one who set up the original group)So with no homegroup, i tried to create a new one, however i keep getting a msg that computer A already created one and to get the password from it. - which is strange because i removed them all from the homegroup, and i am on it right now....Anyone else having this problem? How do i total start from scratch and reset all computers?thx
August 12th, 2009 8:21am

It seems that the HomeGroup password is invalid. Did you change the password before? All HomeGroup members must be online when changing the password. Additionally, if the computer that created the HomeGroup is online, and the HomeGroup is not removed, other computers can detect that HomeGroup and we cannot create a new HomeGroup. I suggest that you remove the HomeGroup on the host computer, also disjoin HomeGroup on other computers. Then re-create a HomeGroup.Arthur Xie - MSFT
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August 15th, 2009 10:15am

Hi, To reset all computers on homegroup and start from scratch, please leave all the computers from homegroup first: Leave a homegroup Please ensure that computer which creates the homegroup also leaves from homegroup. Then, please see if you can create homegroup. Thanks.Nicholas Li - MSFT
August 15th, 2009 10:47am

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