Repair-bde is stuck at 1% progress, HDD was not fully encrypted
Hello, I have external HDD started encrypting it on Windows 7 domain, during the encryption (only 0.7% progress), the HDD was removed accedintly. When reconnecting the external HDD. The encrypyion process tried to resume but it shows cannot resume and shows message with Parameter is incorrect and asking to do Chkdsk to fix erros in HDD. I tried to do ChkDsk but it takes long time and stuck at the same file number, Now the HDD is inaccessible and cant manage BitLocket (error: Parameter is incorrect). I am trying recover my bitLocked external HDD using repair-bde, however it is not progressing after the 1% completed message: See comand and result: C:\Windows\system32>repair-bde f: g: -rp xxxxxxxxxxx BitLocker Drive Encryption: Repair Tool version 6.1.7600 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Beginning scan for BitLocker metadata. Scanning boot sectors for pointer to metadata: 100% Finished scanning for BitLocker metadata. Beginning Encryption. Decrypting: 1% Complete BTW, I read from one article that Repair-bde cannot recover data from drive that was not fully encrypted which is my case scenario. see the link Do you have any recommendaion or third party toll that can help recover my data.. Thanks
August 15th, 2010 3:30pm

Hello, Appreciate response on this thread. TIA
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August 17th, 2010 11:18am

I have the same issue ... Also interested in an answer !
August 28th, 2010 3:44am

I have the same problem. I would appreciate a response too.
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May 31st, 2011 8:38am Limitations The following limitations exist for Repair-bde: The Repair-bde command-line tool cannot repair a drive that failed during the encryption or decryption process. The Repair-bde command-line tool assumes that if the drive has any encryption, then the drive has been fully encrypted. The Windows 7 installation of Repair-bde is unable to perform repairs involving key packages obtained from Windows Vista, although the Windows 7 installation of Repair-bde is able to repair drives provisioned with BitLocker in Windows Vista. What is the current status of the drive? >manage-bde -status c: Did you try to decrypt using the below command? >manage-bde -off c: Can you try this >manage-bde -unlock c: -rp "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx" Let me know how it goes.Manoj Sehgal
May 31st, 2011 7:27pm

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