Robocopy Feature or Bug?
I am using robocopy on Windows 7 RC. I am using the /TEE and /LOG options. I cannot get the /LOG option to accept absolute file paths. For example /LOG:logFile works but /LOG:c:\logFile does not work. The error is invalid paramater. Per ealier suggestions I have tried /LOG:"c:\logfile" as well as a number of other variations. What am I doing wrong? Does this work for others? Did this work in XP or Vista?Thanks.
August 17th, 2009 8:10am

MyImua - Try putting the logfile in a subdirectory (e.g. C:\Logs\logfile.log )... Windows 7 doesn't like people writing files into the root directory of the boot drive. It, along with C:\Windows\*, C:\Program Files\* are protected from file additions/modifications.
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August 17th, 2009 8:47am

Putting in a subdirectory works and is fine for my scenario. Would be great ifMicrosoft documented this limitation - especially if newly introduced in Windows 7.Thanks!
August 17th, 2009 9:57am

MyImua - Actually... That "feature" has been around since Vista... That's when Microsoft really put the hammer down on security.It was actually around in XP - sort of - but there were a lot of ways around the security in those folders way back then.
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August 17th, 2009 2:17pm

Hi MyImua, You can read following article to get more informaiton about this feature: Security: New ACLs Improve Security in Windows VistaHope it helps. Thanks.
August 18th, 2009 11:17am

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