Running PowerPoint in Presentation Mode in Windows 7 from Task Scheduler
I am having a problem with getting a PowerPoint presentation to run in presentation mode in Windows 7. I set up a scheduled task with a trigger of every day at a certain time and the action as opening PowerPoint with the command line arguments /s "directory/test.ppsx" When this is ran, it doesn't take full screen and play like it did in XP. It plays in the background of the other windows and the PowerPoint icon in the task bar glows orange/yellow. If i click on the PowerPoint icon in the taskbar, the presentation displays as normal. How can i prevent the presentation form needing a user to acknowledge that its gonna play before it will?
March 14th, 2012 11:04am

Hi, I have a test with /S(without quotes) arguments, and the PPT runs in front of other windows but not full screen and in presentation mode. Another test is successful, you may create one *.bat file. Please set up a scheduled task with this *.bat file. The following comment is referenced to. "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\POWERPNT.EXE" /S "E:\*.pptx" Command-line switches for PowerPoint 2007 and the PowerPoint Viewer 2007 Hope that helps.
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March 16th, 2012 5:13am

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