SCEP unscheduled full scan
I have a custom policy set to do a full system scan Saturdays at 0300.  The default policy does not call for a full scan.  This Monday morning all 1900 PCs in the target collection started a full scan at 1041.  Any ideas where to look as to why this started?
June 24th, 2013 5:38pm


If you look in the SChedule tasks on one of the affected clients you should see a Schedule task for the Full Scan on sunday's, could it be that the Schedule task will run directly if missed x number of times? you should see that in the Schedule.


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June 24th, 2013 5:55pm


I checked the task scheduler on a few different machines and I don't see anything set there to run it again after a set number of times.  Also I checked the history of the task scheduler and could see where the machines successfully intiated the scan on the scheduled time.

June 24th, 2013 8:49pm

I have a theory that an administrator may have iniated a full scan on the collection instead of an individual machine.  Do anyone know what log file I would check to see if this happened?
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June 24th, 2013 8:52pm


Thank you for the post.

Please check the history of the scheduled task to see if it was invoked externally. Could be it be the idle state and/or the power state (AC vs. Battery/DC) of the computer? Are there two schedules set (weekly and daily)?


June 26th, 2013 10:25am

I've checked and it was not a scheduled task as there is nothing in the task scheduler for that date.  I believe it was mistakenly initiate by an adminitrator on a collection instead of an individual PC.  I have found under Monitoring - Client Operations when the Full Scan was initated and that you can cancel or delete the operation.
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June 26th, 2013 10:12pm

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