WARNING MESSAGE "HIGH CPU USAGE WSCUpdtr.EXE""HIGH CPU USAGE INTERNET EXPLORER" I am in the process of transferring my photo files to an external hard drive. i removed several unneeded programs. thank you for any help you may offer.1 person needs an answerI do too
January 4th, 2011 10:38pm

Hi DEWEY212,What version of Internet Explorer do you use?Step 1:I would suggest you to follow the steps outlined in the below article:CPU Usage increases to 100 percent while you scroll through a Web page in Internet Explorer: article applies to all version of Internet Explorer)Step 2:I would also strongly recommend you to run the Virus Scan.a. If you don’t have anti-virus software installed on your computer, I suggest that you run a Malware scan on your computer. b. I would recommend you to run online Virus Scan to remove any infections, if present.Follow the link below to run the free online scan: Regards,Manasa P – Microsoft Support.
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January 5th, 2011 1:32pm

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