SMTP client timed out
I have a .Net application that works on many XP and Vista computers, and uses the framework class System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient, but when the method Send is used then the operation times out (error is: The operation has timed out.) I am 100% certain that all credentials are correct. This didn't work on the Beta version, but I lived with it, but it is still not working on the RC. If I telnet to the SMTP server (it is Exchange so I am using Port 25) then it all works fine. It seems to me to a .Net issue, but the framework is the same version used elsewhere.
May 29th, 2009 3:10am

Jonathan Papworth: I suggest you post your question on the MSDN Developer forums, where they'll be more able to answer your question. -Nick
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June 22nd, 2009 8:00pm

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